
Not to be used as a substitute to the real thing! Only by reading Ovid's words will you get the full effect of all the beautiful details.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Arachne was a girl that was a very skilled weaver; in fact, she was so talented that she even said that she was a better weaver than Minerva. This made Minerva very angry and after hearing the way that the Muses got revenge, she decided to do the same. Minerva did give Arachne a chance to revoke her statement and ask for forgiveness, but the girl refused. Thus, a raucous weaving duel began! Minerva depicted in her grand things that the gods had done, but Arachne showed in her work crimes that the gods had committed. Arachne's work was undeniably flawless, and this angered Minerva. So, Minerva tore up Arachne's cloth and started beating Arachne. The girl then tried to hang herself, but Minerva stopped her and instead turned Arachne into a spider.

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